Reading Notes: Sri Krishna of Dwarka Part B

Part B of CA Kincaid’s version of Krishna’s story starts off with Satrajit just happening to come across the sun god. Satrajit is deserved of this though because he is an avid worshipper of the sun god. Apparently, the sun god sets aside time just to say hello to people that pray to him. The sun god seems to enjoy when people prostrate themselves before him because Satrajit does this and is bestowed the gleaming jewel of Syamantaka. The Indian pantheon is somewhat confusing to me. I find that it has a mish mash of elemental deities and deities who are not defined by the elements. I wonder if this is a result of the religion combining different traditions. The elemental deities are quite common in polytheistic religions, but deities like Vishnu and Brahma don’t fit into those boxes. It is interesting to see how the different classes of deities have different demeanors. I think it may just be due to reading so many stories about Vishnu, but he and other deities that incarnate as humans tend to have far more detailed personalities than gods like the sun god. This may just be due to gods like Vishnu getting more page time, but it is also interesting.

In chapter 11 there is a very weird story. Krishna pulls a chameleon out of a well, and it turns into a human and tells a story. For some strange reason I was reminded of the monologue of John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, even though there is no real similarity between the two. It was more because some character just starts talking. Honestly it was such a bland story that I would have preferred to read John Galt’s monologue. At least with john Galt I would get to think. It really does not matter though.

Surya the Sun God. Source

Shri Krishna of Dwarka and Other Stories. CA Kincaid. Source


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