Week 10 Story: How to Treat Your Ox

In a time before steam engines, when farmers used animals to plow the field, a farmer owned an ox who could plow a field faster than any other ox the farmer had seen. The ox could also move any boulder he tried to pull. The farmer was very proud of this animal because he had raised the ox from birth and had developed such a wonderful bond with the animal. One day the farmer was visiting the nearby town and overheard one of the denizens talking about an ox from another town over who pulled fifty carts. The man said he was willing to bet no ox could pull more than that. 

This statement caught the farmer’s attention. He walked up to the man and exclaimed that his ox could pull twice the number of carts this other ox pulled. The man looked at him and laughed. He then looked to his friend and joked about the farmer being delusional. He turned back to the farmer and tried to shoo him away. The farmer declared that his ox could indeed pull one hundred wagons and that he would bet a lot of money too. The man agreed.

The next day the farmer came to town with his ox and saw a line of one hundred carts. He led his ox up to the front of the line and harnessed him in. He then took out his whip, which he had not used in a long time. He yelled and whipped the ox and shouted for him to move the carts. The ox did not move an inch. The man, defeated and dejected, returned home having lost a large sum of money. Once home he sought to forget what had transpired. He went to his pantry and grabbed a small jar. He opened it and took out one of the mushrooms inside of it and ate it. He then took out another mushroom and ate it. He went out to the back porch on his house and sat in a rocking chair. After gazing into the night sky for a bit, the farmer felt compelled to visit the barn where the ox slept. Once there he walked up to the ox and patted him on the back. 

The ox turned his head and said, “Why did you whip me today? You have not done that for years.”
The farmer fell backwards into a pile of hay. He sat there flummoxed. The ox had never talked to him before. The farmer groaned and thought, “I should not have eaten two mushrooms.”
He decided to make the best out of the situation, so he turned to the ox and apologized. The ox accepted his apology and told him to go back tomorrow and challenge the man to double or nothing. The farmer hurried back to the house and quickly went to sleep.

He woke up the next day and hurried into town. He walked straight up to the man and challenged him to a double or nothing rematch. The man laughed and said he did not want to take advantage of someone so delusional. The farmer insisted and even got the towns people on his side. The man finally gave in and the carts were lined up. Once the ox was strapped in, the farmed shouted nothing but encouragement. The ox easily pulled all the carts the entire length. The farmer, elated, threw his hat in the air and jumped for joy. 

He went home a rich and happy man. 

The Farmer Whipping his Ox. Source
Author's Note:
I found that this story could be turned into something funny because the premise was kind of absurd. That is what I set out to do is add some humor to an absurd story.

Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbitt, Source


  1. John, your story was very fun to read, and I enjoyed it very much. I liked how you progressed through the story at a good pace. It was especially cool to see your character progression. It was well developed and played really nicely into your narrative. Overall, your story was very fun to read and I can’t wait to read more of your stories.

  2. Wow John! What a fun story. The story was well told and the details were great. I liked that you had a theme in there as well. I also noticed a little sprinkle of your engineering a the beginning of your story. What made you choose the ox? Well done, I can't wait to read more.

  3. Hey John
    At first when I was reading your story I was like "why is he telling us the man ate mushrooms?" but then I read the part where the ox talked to him and he was shocked. That part of hilarious! I like how you mostly stuck to the original story line, but you might want to add more details to make your story stand out from the original story.
    Your classmate,

  4. Hello John! I really enjoyed reading your story because it was fun! I like how you had your characters perfectly placed out. Maybe if you added more details of the farmer of who they were or what kind of person they are. I like the amount of details you added in your story with the animals. Good job!

  5. Hi John,
    I liked your story quite a bit and thought the mushroom part was amusing. I do like how you used that as a enabler for the ox to talk to the farmer. Your story had a nice progression to it and kept me entertained. Your picture that you used for the story confused me at first, but when I looked harder I could make out the ox and the farmer with the whip. I think that a picture like this is very unique and fits well. Overall, I really liked your story. I look forward to reading more!

  6. Hi John! I like how you used the same storyline but added more to the plot! At first I was like the mushroom part was weird but then it made sense when you said the farmer was being delusional when he was with the towns people. What a clever way to play with the story! Good job.


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