Week 3 Story: The Cunning Vishnu

There is a holy place that sits upon a mountain. This mountain is not so tall that there are no trees on top, but the rocky terrain makes the ascent treacherous. Due to the humidity of the area the mountain is often bathed in mist. This holy place had often been used by ascetics to meditate. At one time Vishnu sat atop the mountain in meditation. He meditated so deeply that he became unaware of what happened in the world. Mahabali, a demon of ill-intent, set upon the world and conquered the heavens and the earth. He had bested all the gods except Vishnu, who had not stopped meditating. To celebrate his victory, Mahabali constructed a grand palace. There he held court and ruled over both worlds. All the gods, bitter from their defeat, rushed to Vishnu and begged him to defeat Mahabali. Vishnu objected to the task, as he did not want to violently overthrow the new dictator. One of the gods suggested that he trick Mahabali....