Reading Notes: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu Part B

Part B picks back up from where part A ended. The term of exile that the Pandavas had endured has finally come to an end, and they now seek their own kingdom. The first main plot point is whether or not they should go to war with Duryodhana. Some favor war because they feel slighted by how they have been treated by Duryodhana. Others think that peace should be made. Krishna is sent off to offer peace to Dhritarashtra and Duryodhana. Of course, the offer falls on deaf ears for Duryodhana, but Dhritarashtra agrees that there should be peace. Duryodhana, however, has his way, and thus the final preparations for war are made. Like the other version we read for this class, Bhishma leads the armies of Duryodhana. Karna is also not initially fighting in the battles. The war plays out with Duryodhana's side suffering the most defeats. Bhishma is defeated because he refuses to attack someone who was once a woman but now is a man. He is shot full of arrows and left to suffer on the field of battle. Drona takes over command from Bhishma. He attempts to cut off the head of the metaphorical snake by capturing Yudhistira. Because of loyalties felt by Arjuna, Drona almost succeeds. Drona is also killed after he mistakes his son to be dead (in reality it is an elephant of the same name). Eventually Karna and Arjuna fight, and they initially draw. Then Karna is defeated when his chariot wheel gets stuck in the ground.

This story focuses more heavily on the war as a percentage of the total page number. This war is also more interesting than the one that was previously presented. With the focused shifted the the actual feats of the characters instead of their divine nature, the combat feels more real, and the stakes feel higher.
Draupadi and the Pandavas. Source

Richard Wilson, The Indian Story Book, Source


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