Reading Notes: Babbit Jatakas Part A

This was a fun reading to do. It had a few familiar stories which were fun to re-read. It also had some new stories which were cool to read. The first story listed was the story of the crocodile and the monkey. That was the story that I rewrote for my first story in the first week. It was very cool to re-read that story because there were some extra things in it that were not there the first time. It was cool to see the monkey outsmart the crocodile twice. Another story that I had read before was the story of the turtle who wanted to go with the two birds. It was funny again this time even more than the last time I read it. It was also cool to read the story of the foolish timid rabbit because that one is always funny.
The new stories that I read for this post were also very fun to read. I especially liked the story of the merchant who tried to swindle the family out of their golden bowl but was foiled. This story really spoke to me because I take huge issue with people who try to scam others, face to face, due to information imbalances. I am fascinated by markets and enjoy seeing them working as intended instead of favoring certain people due to information imbalances. It is great to see bad faith actors lose in their attempt to defraud honest people. It is also nice to see people who act in good faith and abide by laws to be rewarded for their integrity.
The sandy road was a cool story because it seemed that the moral was that grass grows above water. Also, that if you are in the desert don’t fall asleep while you are navigating. It seemed to have a very straightforward message.

The Farmer Whipping his Ox. Source

Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbitt, Source


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